Sunday, January 29, 2012

Week 5-Newspaper Print

This is Finger Paints 'Military Green' or as my husband put it "The OD".  I said "the what"?
He was a Sargent in the army for 10 years just before I met him and explained that they referred
to this color as OD for olive drab. Interesting tidbit I thought :D I love love love this color.
 It wasn't as thick as I have usually found Finger Paints to be. At least it wasn't on the first coat.
It was too thick applying the second coat though and bubbled a little :(
I'm not sure, maybe I'm doing something wrong?
 Any who, it still came out fine since I put the newspaper print over it.
On this first picture I added one of the new scan-able bar codes on my accent finger-so fun!

Here on my left hand I have a traditional bar code on my thumb and ,although hard to see,
I have a Fleur De Lise and a scroll print on my ring finger.

This is the most color accurate picture as you see it indoors.

 This is nearly identical to the picture above but I added it anyway because it's a better pic of the newsprint. Interesting enough the newsprint on this color comes off looking like a darker shade of green whereas on my first newsprint mani (I'll be posting that in a couple days) it looks black/dark grey.

And one shot outdoors. Every time I take a picture of this polish it looks a
different shade but I like all of them :D


  1. I like the idea of using a bar code. It looks good!

  2. Thanks! I like that it changes it up a bit. I think I like the scanner bar code best.

  3. I love this color, I am doing my newspaper mani tonight!!

  4. The bar code looks like a fun idea. thanks for sharing

  5. I love the colour!! And your print is really "solid" - how did you get it that way?

  6. I love the colour!! And your print is really "solid" - how did you get it that way?

  7. I love yours, totally fun! And the ink transferred amazingly well. So jealous. I love that green too!

  8. This is really awesome! I love OD! Just saw your blog tag line-what's wrong with beige??? I love brown it's my fave color!

  9. Jackie- Thanks, it is a great color. I have been wanting a militaty green for a few months now and now i've got it! I think this may be one of those shades that looks good on just about anyone too.

    BeautyShades- Thanks, that's my favorite part too.

    NailsActually- Thank You!

    LaurieStrode- I dip the paper in the 70% alcohol and then press firmly for about 20-30 seconds. Not all paper works the same for me so you may want to experiment with different ones.

    Fingers- HEHEHE- You rarely do beige! You do more browns, tans and blues. I always think of deep earthy or vampy shades when I think of you. Your blog is anything but 'beige and boring' girl!

  10. Kaki- Thank You! I think yours came out great too. You should get this green, it really is a keeper!

    Fingers- I forgot to tell you that I compared FP 'Military Green' to Essie 'Sew Psyched' (which I know you have) and they are very near dupes.
